Topic: Understanding the Procedure Cache
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 6:00 pm
Speaker: Bill Graziano

Bill Graziano is a partner in ClearData Consulting and and a SQL Server MVP. He specializes in SQL Server performance tuning, database administration and database application development. Bill serves on the Board of Directors of PASS and is a regular presenter at their annual conference. Bill is a founder of, a web site for SQL Server professionals and has taught classes in SQL Server, Visual Basic, MSF and Windows Server.

Understanding the Procedure Cache: Writing Efficient, Reusable Queries When is a query plan reused? When will dynamic SQL give better performance results than stored procedures? What are the benefits of a compiled query plan? When should you turn on forced parameterization? What is the most efficient way to write SQL for reports that might have wildly different WHERE clauses? Why is my stored procedure very slow somtimes? How effecient is the SQL from LINQ? How effecient is the SQL from ORM tools?

We have meetings on the second Thursday of every month. Our group meets at the Johnson County Community College Regnier Center. Our normal room is room #236 but check the visual displays when you arrive to confirm.
In an ongoing attempt to make the content presented useful to our members we start each meeting with a short Q&A session. Unless noted in the meeting notes the schedule for each meeting will be:
6:00 - 6:30 - General Q&A session & Announcements
6:30 - 7:30 - Presentation(s)
7:30 - ?? - Door prizes and Question & Answer session
12345 College Blvd Overland Park Kansas 66210-1299 913-469-8500 Once you arrive the Regnier center is the red brick building next to the large white building. Parking is available under the center as well as on three sides. Once inside please check the room displays as the college frequently changes our room assignment. If you cannot find us please call Neil Watkins @ 913-515-1404

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