Tuesday, April 14, 2015

7:00 PM

  • Easy Websockets in Rails (Darren Cauthon)
    Rails and Ruby are so blasé!  We use them to build regular ol' web apps that receive web requests and send HTML and JSON responses.  Yawn!  There are other frameworks that allow instant notifications with their non-blocking IOs and their constant connections and lightning speed and their cool hats... maybe it's time to drop Ruby?
    We're going to show how a few lines of Ruby can turn a Sinatra or Rails application into a dynamic application.  I'll show how websockets can turn the tables on the browser => server relationship, allowing the same behaviors that the fancy kids do.  And you won't have to switch langs, frameworks, or re-architect your application.
    After this short presentation, you'll know how to go into any Ruby web app and:
    1.)  Send data from your server to your user's browser.
    2.)  See who is using your web application in real-time.  Yes, Real - Time.

    Workflow Showcases
    After our presentation, we'll open the floor to our KC Ruby members to share how they write Ruby every day.  We already have a couple volunteers... so if you're writing Ruby in a really productive way, why not share it with us?
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